When an Italian professor specializing in codes in medieval manuscripts is kidnapped from a scientific congress in Florence, archaeologist Bjørn Beltø and the professor’s wife are thrust into a breathless pursuit and escape. In their wake, they have the ruthless monk order Vicarius Filii Dei, American intelligence, and a five-hundred-year-old brotherhood of librarians. They must decipher the codes in letters from the prophet Nostradamus to the powerful Medici family in Florence before the kidnappers do – to save the life of the professor and his ten-year-old son. Bjørn Beltø’s quest for the truth behind the mysterious codes leads the nervy albino not only to the Ark of the Covenant and the legendary Library of Alexandria but also to a startling new understanding of humanity’s conception of God.
The Testament of Nostradamus

Tom Egeland
Tom Egeland (b. 1959) is the author of the bestselling series about archaeologist Bjørn Beltø and a number of standalone crime novels as well as books for YA.. He has sold more than 2 million copies, is translated into 25 languages and has received numerous Norwegian literary prizes.
The Falcon
Falken, 2019
The Metusalem Project
Metusalem-prosjekt, 2022
The Silver Coins
Sølvmyntene, 2021
The Secret of the Catacomb
Katakombens hemmelighet, 2013
Codex, 2018
The Lazarus Effect
Lasaruseffekten, 2017
The King, 2020
The 13th Diciple
Den 13. disippel, 2014
The Testament of Nostradamus
Nostradamus testamente, 2012
The Devil's Mask
Djevelmasken, 2016
666, 2023