Britta Claus from Penguin has the following impression of Jomsviking:
’I’m afraid all of us here at Penguin may have caught a bit of the Viking fever! I delved into Jomsviking yesterday. Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen has a great way with words—I was very impressed—and the way he tells his story is so lively and atmospheric, you can practically envisage the scene right up to the tiniest, impeccably researched detail! Torstein as a character leaps out at you from the first line and, to be honest, I think I was ready to adopt him after the truly heart-rending scene where he is forced to watch his father’s brutal death.
Jomsviking is the epic saga we have been looking for for quite some time now, and it is the perfect, well-wrapped package: Bjørn Andreas Bull-Hansen is a great narrator and he knows his subject, the series will appeal to Viking enthusiasts as well as lovers of big-time narration and Game of Thrones fans, and I can see us working very well with the author’s background—he even kind of looks like a Viking!’