The jury:
“The President’s facial expression might be cut from stone, but during the prayer his tears flow freely, while he lifts his hands in front of him. When the Imam has concluded, the microphone is passed on to Erdogan. He turns toward the crowd slowly and with all eyes on him he meticulously wipes his tears away.”
Nilas Johnson’s lively dissemination of Erdogan and his role in Turkish politics is based on extensive source material and experience from a stay of almost three years in Istanbul. This is the starting point for a vivid and well-written documentary that shows a nuanced image of Erdogan. Johnsen’s book makes a geopolitical area available, knowledge and experience provide a natural entry into a vast topic.
An abundant and well-written overview of Erdogan’s life is presented in a form that ties the reader to the book. All the understanding and knowledge the book conveys provides a background to answering questions about why and how in relation to Erdogan’s political work. Johnsen appears to be an educator of the highest class."
Congratulations Nilas!