You Can Call Me Jan

Disturbing, page turning psychological thriller.

Few know who Ida Hansen really is. On the surface, she’s a dedicated psychiatric nurse for young adults in Trondheim. When a patient suddenly goes missing, Ida discovers an old toy bunny that links the disappearance to her own past. A past she doesn’t remember. Through hypnosis, Ida attempts to unearth repressed memories, hoping to find the missing girl. But can Ida trust her memories? Can she trust anyone around her at all?

You can call me Jan is an intense and enigmatic psychological thriller about memories and identity – filled with unsettling twists and suspense.

“You can call me Jan” is a masterfully written thriller that draws you deeper and deeper into the heroine’s dark world. The clinic with the disappearing patients is a perfectly chosen setting that plays on our fears. The tension increases with every page, I simply couldn’t stop reading. The author is incredibly talented, she knows exactly which word has which effect. And she has written one of the best plot twists I have ever read.

Claudia Winkler, Publisher at Ullstein

You Can Call Me Jan is exquisitely chilling reading. It is within it’s apparent normality that the eeriness lies, which Elvedal conveys so incredibly well. This novel about the labyrinth of minds is so captivating that I became scared, in broad daylight, when I read it for the second time. The fact that ‘You Can Call Me Jan’ is Anne Elvedal’s first thriller novel for adults is almost unbelievable.

Tine Kjær, Director of Fiction at Cappelen Damm

Anne Elvedal has written a gripping psychological thriller, where every clue and twist reveals darker and deeper secrets.

Mariann Fugelsø Nilssen, Editor-in-Chief, Cappelen Damm
